I haven’t yet
explored combining my two blogs and looking at a different host. I don’t even feel like I’ve even finished my Christmas holiday.
As a space holder: my thoughts on RSS feed integration in Apple’s Safari web browser.
At home, I use
NetNewsWire Lite to aggregate the sites with RSS feeds that I regularly check for updates. For something different, and to keep from installing unauthorized software at work, I thought I’d give the feed integration in Safari a spin.
(I’m not
all that honest an employee. Afterall, I’m writing this quote on work time. Oh, and I recently embezzled $3M. j/k.)
So far, I’m impressed.
I especially like the ability to expand views in multiple ways: just a headline or a whole paragraph; one day, one week or one month; etc. And to sort by title, source, or new.
My one quibble is bookmarking. I have to either have a separate folder for all my RSS feeds, or keep the RSS feeds in the same folders as the main sites.
This means that, for instance, in the toolbar folder entitled “Mac/Design News” I have a list that includes two listings for
Core77.com, two for
Design Observer, two for
NussbaumOnDesign, two for
Kottke, etc.
If I don’t want to look at the RSS feed I now I have to sort through a menu that is almost twice as long.
Since Safari automatically detects a syndicate feed when visiting an HTML site. It seems like Safari should be able to do the same from the bookmarks. Or otherwise combine them.
This would allow both the web browser to be truly integrated with RSS reader.
As it stands right now, it just makes a mess.